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About Ordalca

  • Birthday 09/04/1990

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  1. Hi, looks all good to me, so I'll pass the word on.
  2. Ordalca

    Application XB70

    Nice application. Welcome to the clan, and I'll get an admin to grant you forum access.
  3. Sorry about the late response. The clan chat is "masors" so you should be able to join...
  4. Reading the rules includes the bold bit at the end. In other news, I've checked your levels on the hiscore table (congrats on leveling since your application), and just need to meet with you in game to verify that this is you. Just join into the Masors clan chat, and ask an admin to add you. Once the bold bit is fixed, you'll be accepted here, too.
  5. Ordalca

    S7J Application

    As you are P2P, we can check your skills on the hiscore table. Your skills match, and you've met us in game, so welcome to the clan. I'll get an admin to give you forum access.
  6. You only needed that last red line copied along with name and skills. Assuming it matches, you're in.
  7. I've checked your levels and they match, so you just need to meet someone in game to verify you are who you say you are. EDIT: Cool, I'll pass it on.
  8. It's basically right, so I'll send one of the leaders your way for forum access.
  9. Ordalca


    hi n00b. While i like the emote you've got there, we really need you to follow the instructions. Also, clan chat does not work for 07Scape. Try "m a s o r s" in the friend chat for 07. We also need to verify that this is you, so you need to speak with an admin in game before we add you.
  10. Ordalca


    Welcome. I'll get one of the admins to give you access, once we talk in game.
  11. Cool. I'll get someone to give you forum access.
  12. Ordalca


    Well, there's a few problems. You might want to check the rules again, and as a f2p player, we can't add you until you meet one of us in game to confirm the levels you've claimed. I realize you're retired, but I can't think of another way.
  13. Ordalca


    Totally thought your name said mom.
  14. Well, you'll need to meet with an admin in game to confirm your levels, since we can't confirm them from the high score tables as a f2p player. You also need to reread the clan rules in full before we can accept your application.