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Everything posted by wildman18drew

  1. I don't see an application from you, so if you can post your mining and smithing levels as well as read the rules, we can give you access.
  2. Welcome to the clan Be sure to come by the cc to chat.
  3. Application looks good and a leader will add you as soon as possible, meanwhile I will get you added to the ingame clan. Welcome
  4. App looks good, you had joined the ingame clan before, welcome to the forums.
  5. Talked in game and added to the cc.
  6. Added you ingame, good to go. Welcome to masors!
  7. Talked to you in game, everything looks good. A leader will change your status soon. Welcome to masors!
  8. Talked to you in game and everything checks out. You should have full access shortly. Welcome to masors!
  9. Your app is great, welcome to MASORS!!!!! Good luck with the 99 mining.
  10. Your application looks great and your stats check out. A leader will move your account to members as soon as possible. Welcome to masors!
  11. Everything checks out now, a leader will move you over to members as soon as possible. Welcome to masors!
  12. This was a nice guide for people who are looking to increase their efficiency. However, I often deviate from the "most efficient" methods because I play for fun. No point in grinding through some boring method just because it's the best. I would rather take a few extra hours and enjoy what I'm doing. One way I look at it is that I might take a few hours longer in the game, but doing the more efficient method would burn me out faster and I would be inclined to play less overall, so I actually increase my efficiency by going slower or rather a funner way. Just my thoughts, keep up the good work Todd!
  13. Well, I'm pretty sure they won't raise the max level to 120, because they said they weren't doing that for other skills, dungeoneering was meant to be special. Also, I'm not so sure that smithing needs an update because it is probably the only skill where you unlock new skills all the way to 99.
  14. Your stats check out, a leader will move u over shortly. Welcome to masors!
  15. Before we can accept your application, you need to read the rules and then we just need to verify you in game.
  16. wildman18drew


    Your app looks good and you will get moved to members as soon as possible. Welcome to Masors!
  17. Well the farm clock could certainly explain what we were talking about in the cc earlier about sometimes herbs growing faster than other trips.
  18. What Hal said, that 45 herbs per hr is pretty high...again even at 99 farming. Herbs grow about every 90 minutes, so that means 67 herbs per trip average? I've maxed at 61 with pots. Id say the range is 23-63 or something per herb run.
  19. wildman18drew

    hola :)

    Talked to Antonio on runescape as well as on irc and his stats check out. Welcome to masors and we'll get a leader to switch you over to a member as soon as we can.
  20. If you're suiciding, which is in my opinions is best, then it is customary to let the blue team win. Play by the unwritten rules will make games go fast and everyone wins, with the same chance for everyone to win. Another advantage of suiciding is that it does'nt matter what the other players do, two people can be attacking each other with heavy units...let them, they are just wasting their time while you will be starting another game and earning more ranks. Definitely need to repeat this, DO NOT INVEST ANY CREDITS IN GAMES UNTIL YOUR RANK IS OVER 200! Saves you credits, and even if you lose, the reward credits earned are more than the investment credits lost. You will also have enough for the rings, so don't worry about that.